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Dr Darren Mao, Development Engineer

Dr Darren Mao was recently awarded his PhD (co-supervised by the Bionics Institute and the Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Melbourne).

Dr Mao is now working full time in the Translational Hearing Research team led by Professor Colette McKay.

His area of focus for his PhD was developing an objective measure of hearing, by recording responses from individuals’ brains using electrodes placed on their scalp

Dr Mao and the team at Bionics Institute have developed a novel method that can automatically set the electrical levels for cochlear implants with the push of a button.

Not only can this help the programming of hearing devices in infants, but will also facilitate routine implant adjustment procedures in adults, saving clinicians time and effort.

This work has seen translation to a patent, and it is Dr Mao’s hope that one day, this technology will be implemented into a clinical device that benefits cochlear implant recipients.


ORCID: 0000-0003-4077-2710


“The Bionics Institute has multi-disciplinary expertise along with a great collaborative atmosphere. This allows and promotes engineers, clinicians, researchers and even commercial development experts to exchange their knowledge, an environment that I find myself very excited to be in.” – Dr Darren Mao

Recent publications

Mao, D., Innes-Brown, H., Petoe, M. A., McKay, C. M., & Wong, Y. T. 2021. Spectral features of cortical auditory evoked potentials inform hearing threshold and intensity percepts in acoustic and electric hearing. Journal of neural engineering, 18(4), 046078. doi: 10.1088/1741-2552/ac02db

Mao, D., H. Innes-Brown, M. A. Petoe, Y. T. Wong, and C. M. McKay. 2019. Fully objective hearing threshold estimation in cochlear implant users using phase-locking value growth functions. Hearing Research. 377: 24-33. doi: 1016/j.heares.2019.02.013.

Peng, F., C. M. McKay, D. Mao, W. Hou, and H. Innes-Brown. 2018. Auditory Brainstem Representation of the Voice Pitch Contours in the Resolved and Unresolved Components of Mandarin Tones. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 12(820). doi: 3389/fnins.2018.00820. Full Text

Mao, D., H. Innes-Brown, M. A. Petoe, Y. T. Wong, and C. M. McKay. 2018. Cortical auditory evoked potential time-frequency growth functions for fully objective hearing threshold estimation. Hearing Research. 370: 74-83. doi: 1016/j.heares.2018.09.006.

Further information

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