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Join Australian singer/songwriter Vance Joy and support our Giving Day on 4 March.
“I’m proud to support the Bionics Institute in their research into brain stimulation treatments for Alzheimer’s disease, aiming to combat memory loss,” Vance says. “If you’re able to support, please donate to their Giving Day on March 4.”
While you may know him from his hit song Riptide — which has been streamed more than 2 billion times on Spotify — you may not know that Vance is passionate about finding a way to combat memory loss and the worst effects of Alzheimer’s disease. With your help, he is hoping we raise enough money this Giving Day to progress our pioneering research into the disease.
You’re helping people like Daryl and his family
Why support our Alzheimer’s research?
Alzheimer’s disease is a debilitating neurodegenerative condition which causes deterioration of brain cells and a progressive decline in cognition and functioning, most notably in memory.
There is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s disease and no known way to stop or reverse the progression of the disease.
Professor Kate Hoy of the Bionics Institute has developed a treatment program using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) which aims to improve brain function in people with Alzheimer’s disease.
By stimulating key regions of the brain affected by Alzheimer’s disease TMS offers the potential to restore healthy neural network function for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease.
You likely know or heard of someone dealing with the difficult symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, wouldn’t you want to give them the gift of connection?
Vance Joy with the Bionics Institute’s Alzheimer’s researchers
“Ultimately, we hope that maintaining memory for longer will mean someone can live independently for longer, delaying having to move in with a family member or into aged care.”
– Prof Kate Hoy, Head of the Cognitive Therapeutics Research Program
Help fund pioneering research
Early-stage research for life-changing devices & treatments like this is made possible by donations from our supporters.
Your support today could turn the seed of an idea into a new treatment in the future.