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Q&A with Dr Oscar Murphy

Dr Oscar Murphy is a Clinical Neuropsychologist and Senior Clinical Research Fellow who studies how brain function relates to mental health issues and neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s.

His research at the Bionics Institute focuses on creating and testing new brain stimulation treatments for neurological and psychiatric conditions. We sat down with him to hear about the exciting possibilities of the team’s research.

Can you tell us about the Bionics Institute’s innovative treatment of Alzheimer’s disease?

We are trialing the use of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), which is a form of brain stimulation that uses magnetic pulses to alter brain activity. Brief magnetic pulses are passed from a handheld coil through the scalp to induce a weak electrical current within selected regions of the brain. By delivering repeated magnetic pulses, we aim to improve brain connections and thereby improve the symptoms of Alzheimer’s.

What are the benefits?

TMS has been investigated for more than 30 years and is safe and very well tolerated. It is non-invasive, painfree, does not require surgery and has few side effects. Importantly, it is already a proven and clinically available treatment for depression and is listed on the Medicare Benefits Schedule in Australia for the treatment of depression.

What difference could it make?

The devastating symptoms of Alzheimer’s create significant impacts, not just for those with the disease, but also for their families and the surrounding community.

Currently, there are no truly effective treatments to pause or reverse the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

Our treatment could enable people with Alzheimer’s to enjoy more time with family, live independently for longer, participate socially, and remain engaged in the workforce to a greater extent.

It also enables families and carers to have relief from the emotional distress of caring for someone with the disease, remain working, spend more quality time with their loved ones, and know loved ones with Alzheimer’s are safer.

We are so grateful to all our caring and generous supporters who help us develop a new treatment, which could give people with Alzheimer’s the chance to have more cherished time and memories with their loved ones. Dr Oscar Murphy

What are the next steps?

Excitingly, the clinical trial of our TMS treatment is underway and we are continuing to enroll new patients. If you or a loved one are interested in taking part in the trial, we would love to hear from you.

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