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Research Integrity

Research Integrity

The Bionics Institute is committed to conducting rigorous research to the highest ethical standards. Our researchers are required to comply with relevant codes and guidelines, as well as the Institute’s values.

The Bionics Institute supports the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 2018. We have developed research policies and processes that promote the responsible conduct of research, and allow researchers to follow the principles laid out in the Code. We review our internal research processes and strive to make continual improvements.

Managing potential breaches of the Code

The Bionics Institute has a primary responsibility to prevent, detect, investigate and resolve complaints about the conduct of research. To implement this, we have developed a process for dealing with potential breaches of the Code. This process follows the guidelines developed by the NHMRC and Universities Australia in the Guide to Managing and Investigating Potential Breaches of the Code, 2018.

Research related concerns involving Bionics Institute research can be lodged at:

You should provide all information, if practicable, relevant to the concern.

NIH Financial Conflict of Interest Policy

All organisations in receipt of National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding are required to demonstrate compliance with the NIH Financial Conflict of Interest Policy.

The policy applies to funding awarded directly by the NIH itself or its Institutes or indirectly, where the Bionics Institute is (or receives funding from) a sub-awardee or sub-contractor.

The policy applies to any staff involved in, or who are responsible for the design, conduct, or reporting of research funded by the NIH.

Guidance for Bionics Institute investigators can be found in the document below.

Bionics Inititute’s NIH Project Conflict of Interest Requirements

NIH Conflict of Interest Policy

NIH Online Tutorial